Creation of the off-site brand association

Sometimes we feel the world moving

On Wednesday, an important foundation has been posed for the off-site construction

Over a hundred of off-site actors are gathered to “reappeal the construction act and reconcile it with the sociales and societal waits” according to the words of Stephan de Fay.

At Vestack, we’re convinced that building the city of the future requires exchange, sharing and structuring the entire industry. The first (major) project owners to take part have pledged to achieve 1 to 2 million m2 built off-site every year by 2030 ! There was an incredible amount of energy, with representatives from the entire value chain coming together to usher in a new era for the construction industry.

Congrats to Stéphan le Fay and Céline Beaujolin to have entertained the first general assembly of the association Filière Hors-site France. Thanks to the administrators servicing to keep advancing this association, which we are very proud to be part with Vestack !

The construction future is on front us !

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